
Paul Thomas Anderson <Magnolia>, Tentacle <Del Mar> 

Paul Thomas Anderson, Magnolia, United States, New line Cinema, 1999
 © New Line Cinema

I understand my own personal history through Paul Thomas Anderson’s films. In Magnolia Frank has a sense of distorted masculinity that stems from his father's infidelity. At the bedside of his father, he revealed a complex mix of feelings. Despite his resentment towards his father, he pleads for him to stay, showing a complex emotional web. Although my own experience differs from the narrative of the film, I understand my family relationships in a similar light to that portrayed in Magnolia. When faced with unexplainable events, I strive to translate them into tangible forms in order to understand the past, much like Anderson did. In moments where complexity defies logical understanding and words are insufficient, alternative forms of expression become necessary. The act of creation serves as a transformative tool for unraveling the inexplicable.

Tentacle, DEL MAR, South Korea © TENTACLE

I met her while studying at an art academy, when she was simultaneously running a jewelry brand and teaching, giving lectures in my local area. When I moved to university, I helped her photograph jewelry, she shared the story behind the creation of the ring, Del Marr. Captivated by the image of pebbles on a beach she visited on her honeymoon, she chose the ring as her canvas. The ring became popular on many platforms, and she continues to create new designs. There is spirit of artisan beyond its commercial success, making wearing her jewelry more than just a fashion statement. This ring was remarkable to me because everything came together perfectly - from the initial spark of inspiration, to the choice of medium, to the lasting impact of her brand, and to the subsequent stories created by those who wear her jewelry.

These two experiences are important to me: How can I translate my experiences into another form? It is crucial that my pursuit of passion is aligned with the medium I choose to express it and the platform I choose to deliver my message. Choosing a language to articulate the beauty I perceive is not just about finding the right medium; it is also a reflection of my values. What are my aspirations and how do I translate them into results? Exploring the creations of others while forging my own path has been instrumental in defining my vision. This realisation has guided me throughout my journey, shaping me as both a creator and an admirer of art.