I want to be good

Ian Tilton <Kurt Cobain> ,  Mies van der Rohe <I don’t want to be interesting, I want to be good>

Ian Tilton, Kurt Cobain, Seattle (United States), 1990  © Ian Tilton

There is some speculation as to why Kurt Cobain was showing such intense emotion. The article where I first saw this picture suggested that he had screwed up the concert. How can someone truly express such deep sadness because they cannot meet their own standards? I have kept this photo to remind myself of the true emotions of someone striving to excel in his art.

Mies van der Rohe I don’t want to be interesting, I want to be good Mug © Fundació Mies van der Rohe

While exploring the souvenir shop at Mies van der Rohe's Barcelona Pavilion, I discovered a mug with the quote: “I don't want to be interesting, I want to be good”. This statement, with its raw expression of desire, did not match my idea of the master architect. He expresses his desire for excellence with honesty, and the pavilion is a testament to his ambition.