
Lacaton & Vassal <Transformatino de 530 logement> , Soohyun Jeong <Night Dreamer - Parking Lot>

Lacaton&Vassal, Transformatino de 530 logement, Bordeaux (France), 2017
© Philippe Ruault

Lacaton and Vassal innovatively expanded living space by incorporating translucent material into their residential renovation project. This addition connected various rooms of the house to the outdoors, significantly increasing the usable area. In winter, the material acts as both a greenhouse and an insulator; the natural temperature balance between inside and outside results in a difference of only 7 degrees, minimizing the need for additional heating within the insulated space. Flexibility characterizes this space, which adapts to seasonal changes in both function and furniture arrangement. This achievement results from the careful use of material properties, culminating in a cost-effective yet high-quality living environment. Although aesthetic concerns were not the primary focus of the architects, the project inevitably gave rise to a new aesthetic dimension. Objects arranged by the residents on the extended balcony are blurred in the translucent exterior, creating patterns that resonate with the hidden lifestyles of the residents, adding a unique aesthetic dimension to the space.

Aeropuerto de Barcelona, Spain  ©Google Maps
This image is the motif representing the Master practical work, titled Night Dreamer

Due to lower requirements compared to regular residences, parking facilities often feature dim lighting and simple façade structures that meet code requirements. Located along accessible roadways, these buildings are viewed primarily from fast-moving vehicles, creating an intriguing visual pattern as mechanical elements converge.  As the elongated fluorescent lights shine through the gaps in the exterior facade, they create captivating patterns when viewed in motion. The interaction between functional lighting and architectural elements in parking garages creates a unique phenomenon.

When practical efforts operate within limited conditions, driven by pulsating intention rather than mere functionality or visualization, the work comes alive, ultimately producing an aesthetic. As one’s thoughts are formulated toward an outcome, the creation establishes its own presence, providing me with a unique experience.

* The Doses project was initiated as part of the project “Deadline Calendar”, targeting the completion of 30 topics. However, I am pausing progress for the time being, with the intention of resuming and continuing writing later on.